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Wellness is a state of mind, it’s a state of body… it’s a state of spirituality, of emotional balance, where everything feels right between you and the world. Wellness is living a happy and healthy life; the ability to love and to love yourself. There are six dimensions of wellness and they are: emotional, physical, socio-economic, spiritual, social, and ancestral. Although some may argue that there are other dimensions of wellness, these are the six that are interconnected and all contribute to how happy a person is in their everyday life.

Emotional wellness is arguably the most important dimension of wellness. If a person feels emotionally unwell, or suffers from some type of mental illness, then no matter what other factors are going on in their life, they will be unhappy. It is the ability to handle the stressors of life and still go out and perform everyday tasks which are necessary to survive. If a person ends a relationship or loses a loved one, it is not uncommon for them to feel emotional, depressed, and to shut themselves off from the rest of the world. Emotional wellness is the strength to keep going when everything around you is crumbling.

Physical wellness is very simple: eating healthy, exercising and sleeping well. These three things contribute to overall physical wellness, and if a person looks good, they often feel good and get excellent results in life. They have better social interactions and attract more positivity and attention from the opposite sex, which builds confidence.

Socio-economical wellness is being stable in a job or a place in your life where you are educating yourself to move higher up, hopefully studying something they enjoy. It also means being financially stable; not worrying about money, living paycheck-to-paycheck. If a person is Socio-economically well, they won’t have to worry about the stress of falling behind on bills or dread going to a job they hate every day.

Spiritual wellness is about being connected to the world; having a set of values and morals that provides a sense of purpose. Some people get this through religion. Other gain this from simply believing in karma: if they do good things, good things will happen to them. And life often works out for them.

Social wellness is having a stable circle of friends, people you can trust and go to when you need guidance and advice; surrounding yourself with people that want to see you do well in life. If you surround yourself with the right social circle, you won’t deal with the stress of people lying and talking behind your back; plotting against you. The right people are also good for networking, helping you move up in your professional life.

Ancestral wellness is taking pride in who you are and where you come from. If you are proud of your heritage and not wishing you were someone else, then you will surely be happier.

All these dimensions of wellness are connected because if you are emotionally well, it will help you perform better at work, and you will be surrounded with the right social circle: people who are also emotionally stable. If you are physically well, then you will look good and attract more success at work, with friends, in relationships, and you will be more proud of your ancestry. If you are doing well socio-economically, then you are bound to be around other successful people. If you are spiritually connected to the world, then you will feel emotionally better and will take pride in your appearance and have better workouts at the gym. Wellness isn’t a one fix solution; all these dimensions of wellness need to be in check for you to live your best life.

To get started on your wellness journey Click Here

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